Hello All

Well we have been doing tons of stuff to get this site more suitable for all the members here at Windy City.
We have just integrated a new security script so cheaters beware.
If our system catches anyone cheating you will automatically be deleted.
No questions asked.
I hope everyone is happy with the new transition.
So we are going to kick things off right with a new Windy Weekend Surf Competition.
This is how its going to work.
We have a new point system in effect.
Every 100 pages you surf you will automatically receive 1 Windy point
Now every Windy point is worth 1 cent or 10 credits
Free members can trade in these points at the end of the surf competition for credits only
Pro members can turn these Windy points in for cash or credits
At the end of the competition i will announce all the winners and at that time all credits from your earned points will be added immediately for free members.
All points earned from pro members will be done by sending a support ticket requesting either cash or credits.Your Choice
All cash and credits from our point system will be added into your WCH Account.
All cash prizes will be paid instant paypal.
1st Prize:$10
2nd Prize:$5, 1 Solo Ad
3rd Prize:$4, 1 Month North Side Upgrade
4th Prize:$3, 600 Credits
5th Prize:$2, 500 Credits
6th Prize:$1, 400 Credits
7th Prize:$1, 300 Credits
8th Prize:$1, 200 Credits
9th Prize:$1, 100 Credits
10th Prize:$1, 50 Credits
Everyone have a great weekend and i will see everyone Monday.
If you have any questions feel free to send in a support ticket and Me or my Support Team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks everyone for all your support.
Also please dont forget to vote for us at Traffic Toplist.
You can find the Traffic Toplist image in your members area.
All you have to do is click
Happy Surfing And Good Luck
Michael, Craig & Support Team
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