Saturday, August 15, 2009

$1 Trivia! Can You Answer The Question...6 Second Timer All Day

Hello All

First thing, a warm welcome to all new members. I hope your stay is a pleasant one.

If there is anything my staff or I can do for you please just let us know.

So lets see if you can answer this trivia Question. This is a 2 part Question:

What was the first trivia question and who wrote the first question? If you can answer this i will give you a whole Dollar.

Im also setting the timer at 6 seconds today and the prize page is set to give away 100,000 credits in all.

Also dont forget to go check out my new blog.

This blog is for you serious internet marketers that would like free information on how to make money online the real way plus tons of free tools.

This will be ready by the end of the day so check back this evening and check it out.

You can also subscribe to my blog to stay up to date with the latest new news, alerts and free tools.

Well catch you all later.

Have a great day and please dont forget to vote for us at Traffic Toplist.

Dedicated To Your Success
Craig Caron
