Monday, August 24, 2009

Joe Schroeder Knows Somthing You Don"t and It"s This.

Hello everyone,

Sorry This is a little late but this is a last minute message.

TONIGHT I am doing a live call

Joe Schroeder + 9:27 PM ----EST
641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

I will NOT teach how to GET people

The call will NOT be about getting rich

The call will in NO WAY be about converting
opt-is to sales to making a $16 Mllion by the weekend

the call will NOT be an interview of the latest
kid who made $2 Million using social media

WHAT the call will be is ESSENCE and LAW of BEING

I may even get a little randy and READ
a little from MEDITATIONS from 130 (AD) from
a book by MARCUS EURILEUS -----who ruled ROME for 19 years

the call will be about LIVING above circumstance
the call will be about being FREE

Joe Schroeder + Craig Caron

TONIGHT AUGUST 24, 2009 9:27 PM --------est 1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088# by booklet and CD is $7 and change

Soul Hugs
