Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sorry For The Delay! Surfing Contest Results Are In.

Hello Everyone

Sorry for the delay..

We had some issues sending out emails this morning so i apologize.

We are going to be swithching to a different server here sometime today.

So if you see weird things that's why.

Here are the surf contest results from yesterday.

All prizes will be added sometime this evening

58915 Rero22 2233
59296 genho 1480
58860 kgw259 1414
59108 Zwj3d29 1413
59397 strong 1027
59351 Gzr1219 959
58074 Click2 943
59289 Tgbvip 896
58787 dencoz 881
59137 ryonan 872
58792 Skylar 864
58898 chenrenbo 786
59275 Goozik 754
58995 drhollow 682
58998 noclue 681
58289 mbanglis 680
59288 Medaguru 552
58789 smsforce 505
58798 Laura Predoi 485
58483 ns2008 466

Congratulations to all the winners

Well guys i will keep you updated on any new contests

We are trying to get things squared away with our server

Then we will run another contest.

So stay tuned its going to be big

Craig And Michael
