Friday, July 31, 2009

Surfing Contest Follow Up Letter! Very Important. Please Read...

Hello Friends

This is just a follow up email regarding our weekend surfing contest and about the Windy point system we are implementing.

Just to let everyone know, it is for the weekend surfing contest only.

I hope this settles any confusion we might have had from our members.

This goes to show, if you are upgraded here in WindyCityHits, you'll get more.

So have fun surfing guys and girls, and good luck to all.

You are always welcome in our chat, drop by and say hi, we have members there all the time. It's one way to learn, build friendships and make new ones.

Happy Surfing


Come Join Us For A Windy Weekend Surf Competition!

Hello All

Well we have been doing tons of stuff to get this site more suitable for all the members here at Windy City.

We have just integrated a new security script so cheaters beware.

If our system catches anyone cheating you will automatically be deleted.

No questions asked.

I hope everyone is happy with the new transition.

So we are going to kick things off right with a new Windy Weekend Surf Competition.

This is how its going to work.

We have a new point system in effect.

Every 100 pages you surf you will automatically receive 1 Windy point

Now every Windy point is worth 1 cent or 10 credits

Free members can trade in these points at the end of the surf competition for credits only

Pro members can turn these Windy points in for cash or credits

At the end of the competition i will announce all the winners and at that time all credits from your earned points will be added immediately for free members.

All points earned from pro members will be done by sending a support ticket requesting either cash or credits.Your Choice

All cash and credits from our point system will be added into your WCH Account.

All cash prizes will be paid instant paypal.

1st Prize:$10
2nd Prize:$5, 1 Solo Ad
3rd Prize:$4, 1 Month North Side Upgrade
4th Prize:$3, 600 Credits
5th Prize:$2, 500 Credits
6th Prize:$1, 400 Credits
7th Prize:$1, 300 Credits
8th Prize:$1, 200 Credits
9th Prize:$1, 100 Credits
10th Prize:$1, 50 Credits

Everyone have a great weekend and i will see everyone Monday.

If you have any questions feel free to send in a support ticket and Me or my Support Team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks everyone for all your support.

Also please dont forget to vote for us at Traffic Toplist.

You can find the Traffic Toplist image in your members area.

All you have to do is click

Happy Surfing And Good Luck
Michael, Craig & Support Team




First off i would like to welcome all new members who have recently joined Windy City.

If you have any questions please feel free to send in a support ticket.

So heres the deal.

When i first opened this site it was meant for members to build there downlines and receive the quality traffic that they signed up for.

Then i tried some different options and added a surf for cash and a few other things.

Unfortunately we have people that dont respect traffic exchanges and their members.

This is not fair to the members here trying to promote their opportunities.

We are doing some major changing so we have taken the surf for cash option off our site.

We do not put up with cheating and cash just brings in the cheaters.

There is no site out there that can completely get rid of cheaters if cash is offered in my opinion.

Cheaters are always finding new ways to cheat.

Me being a programmer myself know how easy it is to manipulate php coding and know how easy it is to build a program to get around a lot of the cheat scripts that are being used.

So me and my staff are coming up with different ways to avoid all the cheaters.

We have been going over a point system.

The way this is going to work is you can earn points while you surf.

Now free members can cash these points in for credits only.

Pro members can exchange these points for credits or cash.

We will keep you updated on our progress.

Our team of professionals dedicate our lives to ensuring you are getting the best quality traffic money can provide.

We are working extra hard to provide our best services to you.

Now other things we are changing is our surf and referral contests.

We are no longer offering cash for our referral contests and surf contests but we will still be doing prize pages for a little cash and credits.

But all this will be set up a little different.

Also be on the look out for a new training manual.

This manual will guide you step by step on how to make money with Windy City Hits.

Some other things we are changing is our upgrade prices.

We are taking the $5 special off.

But now instead of paying $9.95 for our north side upgrade

you will only have to pay $7.50.

I know how hard it is to afford things the way the economy is so i planned this to fit your budget.

Anyone that purchased the $5 dollar special will stay with that price as long as your upgrade continues.

Let me explain some simple facts.

In my opinion you can do very well with traffic exchanges if you are guided in the right direction.

Wouldnt you like to make a residual income every month?

I know i would and i do.

So a few pointers that you might not know.

Referrals is the key to your traffic exchange success.

Think about it.

If you upgrade to say the North Side Upgrade you will get a 60% commission any time one of your referrals upgrade.

That will be a whopping $4.50 cents extra a month as long as that referral stays upgraded.

But Wait!

What if you had 50 referrals that are upgraded.

Thats $250 dollars extra a month residual income.

You will even earn money when your free referral members purchase credits.

So get the most out of your upgrade.

We are growing very fast.

We have members upgrading and purchasing credits at a high rate.

Not just that but you will also earn credits from your referrals surfing.

So why miss out on all this money when upgrades are so cheap.

Just think.

You have 2 referrals who upgrade that will pay for your upgrade every month with out having to spend money out of your own pocket.

Think smart and earn that extra income you need.

Well everyone have a great day and remember that we are here 24/7

If im not here you can contact any of our support staff Jayrene Or Jude.

We are always available to accommodate your needs.

Happy Promoting

Michael, Craig & Support Staff


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here Are Todays Contest Drawing Results! Did You Win..


If you didnt catch the live drawing in the chatroom

Here are the results:

All prizes will be added on to your account in the morning

1st Prize: $10 In Your WCH Account
59397 strong

2nd Prize: 2 Month North Side Upgrade, Pro Members Have A Choice Of $5
58844 Mouseattacks

3rd Prize: 10,000 Credits
58792 Skylar

4th Prize: $5 Cash In Your WCH Account
59294 Joice

5th Prize: 1 Solo Ad,1000 Banner Impressions
58289 mbanglis

6th Prize: 1 Day Your Page On The Start Page
58483 ns2008

7th Prize: $3 In Your Windy City Hits Account
59436 chocolate

8th Prize: 3 Month West Side Upgrade. Pro Members Can Choose $3 Cash
59427 ryuuen

9th Prize: $5 Cash In Your WCH Account And 10,000 Text Impressions
58940 rudygo

10th Prize: $2 Cash In Your WCH Account
59061 Miles

Winners For The Top 20 Surf Contest:

59294 Joice 1452
58792 Skylar 1311
59397 strong 1236
58308 Jopchiks 1232
58289 mbanglis 863
59139 ainideren 758
59125 yazhujia 723
58999 Damek 682
59061 Miles 656
59468 balsat 624
58844 Mouseattacks 601
58074 Click2 601
59427 ryuuen 596
58483 ns2008 581
58600 shtefanntz 562
59142 tml1965 549
59436 chocolate 506
58940 rudygo 505
59453 Alice 501
59137 ryonan 498

Congratulations to all the winners!

Have a great evening and talk to you tomorrow

Happy Surfing
Craig & Michael


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Surfing Contest Going On Today! Please Read...

Hey friends, I am so excited to let you know that

We have been approved by Safe-T-Online

Dont know what Safe-T-Online is?

Ill Tell You.

Well Safe-T-Online is a company that rates Websites on there honesty and integrity

Safe-T-Online conducts random quality control audits to ensure that members' web sites meet the required standards.

In addition, Safe-T-Online ranks a website on a "10 Point Consumer Undertaking.

Their aim is to give consumers the information they need to make an informed choice, and reduce the risk of a bad online experience.

So today is a proud day for me.

I will be displaying the badge on the left menu sometime tomorrow so everyone can keep up with our rating.

Thanks everyone.

Without you and your honesty and your trust in me this would not be possible.

So today this is what we are going to do.

Just for some fun.

We are going to do a Top 20 Surfing Contest

Also there will be a drawing for some cash and other cool prizes

Every 100 sites you view will be 1 ticket Automatically Added Into The Drawing.

The more sites you view the more tickets you get and the better chance you have of winning.

In the Drawing there will be 10 prizes

These are the prizes for the drawing

1st Prize: $10 In Your WCH Account

2nd Prize: 2 Month North Side Upgrade, Pro Members Have A Choice Of $5

3rd Prize: 10,000 Credits

4th Prize: $5 Cash In Your WCH Account

5th Prize: 1 Solo Ad,1000 Banner Impressions

6th Prize: 1 Day Your Page On The Start Page

7th Prize: $3 In Your Windy City Hits Account

8th Prize: 3 Month West Side Upgrade. Pro Members Can Choose $3 Cash

9th Prize: $5 Cash In Your WCH Account And 10,000 Text Impressions

10th Prize: $2 Cash In Your WCH Account

Here Are The Prizes For The Top 20 Surf Contest

1st: 5000 Credits

2nd: 4500 Credits

3rd: 4000 Credits

4th: 3500 Credits

5th: 3000 Credits

6th: 2500 Credits

7th: 2000 Credits

8th: 1500 Credits

9th: 1000 Credits

10th: 500 Credits

11th: 10,000 Banner Impressions

12th: 9000 Banner Impressions

13th: 8000 Banner Impressions

14th: 7000 Banner Impressions

15th: 6000 Banner Impressions

16th: 5000 Banner Impressions

17th: 4000 Banner Impressions

18th: 3000 Banner Impressions

19th: 2000 Banner Impressions

20th: 1000 Banner Impressions

All Surf Contest And Drawing Winners Will Be Announced In Tomorrows Newsletter

Well have fun everyone and have a great day

Happy surfing
Craig & Michael


Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello All

Welcome all new members who have recently joined us.

Come on in and let the wind blow your hair back.

Well thats if you have hair.

I dont so i dont have that problem.

Also we have beat our all time record yesterday with 234,000 pageviews.

You are awesome all of you.

I was ready to just jump out my pants when i saw that.

We are doing some major changes today.

As you all know as i stated in my first newsletter when Windy City First launched.

We were giving away 1000 credits just for signing up until we reach 1500 members

Well we reached our goal so unfortunately today is the last day for the 1000 credit signup

So if you know anyone please get them under you as a referral fast before this changes.

Also a word of advise

I have also noticed we have quite a few members who have quite a few referrals.

And alot of you have tons of upgraded referrals

So think about this.

If you have 2 upgrades in your downline this pays for your upgrade every month.

See your losing out.

Since you have upgraded members in your downline your missing out on commissions from their upgrade every month.

Your also missing out on commissions when they purchase a product.

For instance yesterday we had a member buy 4 solo ads and 50,000 credits.

All together thats around $46 dollars, that member spent and if you were upgraded say at our North Side upgrade you could of made 60% commission

Which would of came out to $27.60 and that would of been paid to you instantly.

Now remember we do have a $5 dollar special upgrade but you will not earn commissions on the $5 special unless you purchase the regular north side upgrade

So come on in and check your downline and check your referrals to see if there upgraded.

If you are upgraded then connect with your downline and email them.Introduce yourself.

Let them know that your here if they need any help.

This will help your members want to upgrade and in the end will benefit you.

See me and a member yesterday were talking and he said i can share his name with you in case you need to contact him.

His name is 58027 joesagan123

Well let me tell you this member is raking in the dough

Just last month we paid him $387.67 on his referral upgrades and purchases.

He was able to do this in 2 1/2 months

So just goes to show you traffic exchanges are another easy way to make a buck.

Dont forget also that your referrals also build your credits for you.

Why is a traffic exchange owner telling you this.

Most owners dont want you to know this.

Well if theres a way for people to make money i am all and willing to share whether im an owner or not.

Im here to help you succeed so keep that in mind.

Anyway on to the winners of yesterdays prize pages

All $50 & $100 Prize pages were paid instantly

58444 LanaLori-$100
58077 henry12-$50
59007 prissy-$50

Congratulations to all the winners

All cash has been added to all the winners

Also just to let everyone know next cash prize page contest we do will be a little different

We will be doing instant payout on $5 and more so stay tuned for that.

Ok now on to the special deal i have today.

Now i have sold this before and had tons of you guys that bought it so.

Now i even have a better deal

I sold this package before for a very low price of $9

Well i have now dropped it to $5

Yes i said it right $5

This is what you get for $5

You will get

1. A List Of Over 400 Legitimate Companies To Make Money With All Free.
2. Video Web Wizard-Software
3. Cam Studio-Software
4. Instant Site Creator-Software
5. Craigs List Traffic-Ebook
6. Underground Twitter Secret Manifesto-Ebook
7. Twitter Treasure Chest-Ebook

You will get all these fantastic products at our low price of $5

This is a $427 value for only $5

Click Here To Order Your $5 Bonus Products Now

So dont pass this up

Products from our store will be going back up to the original price soon

so get all this while you can.

Well i am turning the prize page on with some credits,banners,text impressions and a little pocket change

So come on in and enjoy the rest of the day

Once again Thanks everyone

Happy Surfing
Michael Picard & Craig Caron


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let your ads do the talking! Prize Pages Still In Rotation...

Hello Friends!

Well the Prize pages headed off to a great start last night.

All cash will be added between today and tomorrow.

Prize pages will end when we reach $400 so if you quit seeing the prize pages then you know its over.

As you can imagine we have tons of support ticket claims on prizes.

So if you see the ticket closed on that certain prize page that means you were paid. If its open that means we havent got to it yet.

We have given away over 100 dollars on the $1 prize pages.

Have given away 2 $50 Dollar prize pages.

One of the $50 dollar prize pages was won live right in the chatroom.

The cool part is these members got paid instantly for the $50

So let me tell you whats left

We still have tons of 10, 15, 20 cent pages left.

We still have 3 $5 pages left and a few $1 pages.

Also have 1 $100 page left so better get in and grab it.

Something else dont forget guys about our new downline builder.

Put you favorite programs in there and give something for your referrals to sign up to.

One more thing dont forget that you can earn double the credits if you paticipate in our 3 way surf with Horror Movie Hits And Tip Top Traffic

You can find the links on the surf bar if your not a member to these sites.

Ok on to other things.

Alright so everyone knows Traffic Exchanges are a great way to build a list. It is a fact even the gurus can't ignore now!

There is one problem- you have to break through the keep clicking mentality to really reach your prospects.

How do you break through the fog?

Click Here To Get Your Own Talking Splash Page

Splash pages are proven to convert better in traffic exchanges than generic sales letters, but can you do better?

What if you could grab your prospects name and not only show it to them, but let them hear it on your splash page?

It's obvious they would wake up from their "surfing zone" and really pay attention to your ad.

Splash Speaker is now here with advanced capabilities that no other splash making wizard has. You can personalize your splash pages to display your prospects first and last name, where they are surfing, and more.

You can also enable text-to-speech capabilities so that your page will say your prospect's name.

You can even use this to create squeeze pages and collect subscribers and sales like never before!

Want to know the best part? It's absolutely free to join!

Now is the time to take action. This is a HUGE value and there is no telling when they are going to start charging for this!

Click Here To Get Your Own Talking Splash Page

Well i hope everyone has a fun rest of the day.

Happy Surfing
Craig & Michael


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Boy O Boy Is It Windy! $400 Blowing Around Today And Tomorrow.

Hello Friends!

First order of business.

We are now accepting testimonials at windy city.

So if you have had a good experience and like our services please send me your testimonial and i will be adding this to the members page.

Benefits of a testimonial will be more exposure to yourself which is good for branding.

Also when you send the testimonial please add a link to a picture and a link to your favorite website you would like to promote.

This way when other members see your testimonial they will be able to click on it and even earn you a sign up.

All this can be sent through a support ticket

Thanks everyone

We have finally got our server issue taken care of.

So starting at Midnight tonight we will be giving away over $400 in cash prizes.

Now remember if you see the game page it will prompt you to send a support ticket.

So dont forget to do that or you wont get paid on the cash you find

We will have 2 $50 game pages in rotation.

Also 150 $1 game pages in rotation

10 $5 game pages in rotation

Plus we have 1 $100 page in rotation.

Fair warning we are watching these game pages closely

Our system has been working great and deleting cheaters

Plus i will personally be watching so if you attempt to cheat

Beware. There will be no warnings anymore.

Your account will be automatically deleted.

I hope everyone can respect the members that are actually here surfing.

Anyway this will start at 12 Midnight server time.

Also if you havent noticed we are now compatible with splash speaker.

This is really cool everyone.

Check it out.

You can see how it works the minute you log on to the surf area.

Want to have your own splash pages talking directly to your prospects? Check this out:

Click Here To Hear Windy City Talk

This brand new service will let you easily add sound to your splash page... but not just any sound.

What if you could grab your prospects name and not only show it to them, but let them hear it on your splash page?

It's obvious they would wake up from their "surfing zone" and really pay attention to your ad. In other words it will boost your conversions and profits to whole new levels.

The software is fully installed on Windy City, so when you join Splash Speaker today you can have your splash pages "talking" at Windy City within minutes.

Why not do a bit of surfing today, I have this funny feeling that you might start seeing (or should that be hearing) some great splash pages soon.

Well everyone have fun and i will talk to everyone tomorrow.

Have a great night and sorry for the inconvenience this weekend.

Happy Promoting

Michael & Craig


Sorry For The Delay! Surfing Contest Results Are In.

Hello Everyone

Sorry for the delay..

We had some issues sending out emails this morning so i apologize.

We are going to be swithching to a different server here sometime today.

So if you see weird things that's why.

Here are the surf contest results from yesterday.

All prizes will be added sometime this evening

58915 Rero22 2233
59296 genho 1480
58860 kgw259 1414
59108 Zwj3d29 1413
59397 strong 1027
59351 Gzr1219 959
58074 Click2 943
59289 Tgbvip 896
58787 dencoz 881
59137 ryonan 872
58792 Skylar 864
58898 chenrenbo 786
59275 Goozik 754
58995 drhollow 682
58998 noclue 681
58289 mbanglis 680
59288 Medaguru 552
58789 smsforce 505
58798 Laura Predoi 485
58483 ns2008 466

Congratulations to all the winners

Well guys i will keep you updated on any new contests

We are trying to get things squared away with our server

Then we will run another contest.

So stay tuned its going to be big

Craig And Michael


Friday, July 24, 2009

Come Get Wet! Surfing Contest Today Only..Come Get Some Cash..

Hello All

First i want to thank all new members for joining Windy City Hits.

If theres anything Michael or I Can do for you please dont hesitate to ask.

Also want to thank everyone else for all the continued support.

Well game page is still being worked on,so in the meantime lets get a surfing contest going.

This is what were going to do.

This will be a top 20 contest. All prizes are random

This Contest Will End Midnight Server Time

1st 3000 Credits
2nd 3000 Banners,300 Credits
3rd $3
4th 1 Month West Side Upgrade Upgraded Members Will Get $3
5th 1 Solo Ad,200 Credits
6th 5000 Text Ads $1
7th 1000 Credits,1 Solo Ad,5000 Text Ads
8th 1 Month South Side Upgrade Upgraded Members Will Get $2
9th $5
10th 400 Credits $2
11th 2000 Credits,1000 Banners,1 Solo Ad
12th 1 Solo Ad,400 Banners,5000 Text Ads
13th $4
14th 1 Month North Side Upgrade Upgraded Members Will Get $4
15th 1000,Credits,1000 Banners,2000 Text Ads
16th $1 500 Banners
17th 50,000 Credits
18th 1 Solo Ad,$1
19th $5
20th 30,000 Credits

Good Luck To Everyone

Also since the game page is out of commission for a while i am going to turn the prize page on with 1 Cent,2 Cent,5 Cent and 10 Cent Pages

Well Good Luck On The Contest.

Also Warning to all

You Will Get Caught.

Go ahead i dare you to cheat.

If anyone tries to cheat you will automatically be disqualified and your account deleted with all credits and cash.

We have a great new system that catches anything so go ahead i have nothing better to do today than to delete cheaters accounts.

Dont forget guys we have a new downline builder installed so take advantage of that.

Also if your not upgraded i would take advantage now.

Just yesterday i had a support ticket from a member thanking me for some cash he received.

One of this members referrals spent around 65 dollars yesterday on an upgrade,some credit purchases and a few solo ads.

This member made around 45 dollars instantly to there paypal, just off the members referrals purchase.

Remember you get 60% off any product purchases made by your referrals.

Not just that but you also earn credits off your referrals every time they surf.

1 more thing i want to share with everyone.

I had a member send me a support ticket smiling from ear to ear.

He wanted to let me know that whenever he sends out a solo ad from windy city he has some great sign ups

This is no bull.

We have been getting great responses from members solo ads.

So come on guys,Solo ads really do work.

Not only that but where else are you going to find a solo ad for $4.99 with quality signups

You can find your Solo Ad on the left menu under the Send A Solo Ad Button

Well everyone have a great time and Happy Promoting

Best Regards

Craig Caron & Michael Picard


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Im Back From My Trip To Arizona!!!! Whhoooooooo Was It Hot..

Hello All

Well Im finally back from my trip to Arizona and wow was it hot.

We left and it was 115 degrees.

Holy Moly i merely baked like a baked potato.

Anyway i have my son for 2 weeks so ill be spending alot of time with him.

Well we had the game page worked on all day yesterday.

So hopefully it doesnt give anyone anymore problems.

So this is what im going to do.

I am going to run a game page and a prize page.

There will be credits, banners, Text impressions and some cash.

1 cent, 20 cent and 50 cents just to test it out and see if its working properly.

If not please send me a support ticket and let me know.

Anyway enjoy everyone.

My flight didnt get in until late last night and im going to go take my son out for breakfast.

Be back later

Happy promoting

Craig Caron


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Game Page Back On!!!!! Money Money Money.....

Hello All

I believe we fixed the game page problem.

For some reason when some members click on the button for the prize it would take them to a security page.

I hope we have the issue fixed.

Please log in and try it out.

I have set the game page to come up every 30 pages or so.

If theres any problems please contact me immediately with a support ticket.

Also dont forget.

We now have an awesome Downline Builder that we installed today.

So on your menu in the members area just click on Downline Builder and add your favorite programs that you would like your referrals to look at and possibly sign up for.

Thanks for everyones patience.

Theres still 2 $25 dollar pages left so get in there and find them.


Craig & Michael


New Added Features To Windy City!!! Win $25 Today!

Hello Friends!

Well all cash and credits have been added from the big surf contest this past weekend.

Also We now have a new feature on Windy City.

We have a new Downline Builder.

Its not quite finished yet but will be done by the end of the day.

What is a Downline Builder You Ask?

Ill Explain

A Downline Builder is a program that gives you the opportunity to build a strong downline in both free and paid programs from people all over the world. See once they sign up for Windy City under your referral link that referral will be checking out your opportunities in your downline builder and sign up under you in your program or programs.

This is a tool for you to expand your business opportunity with the referrals in your downline. Make use of this tool whether you are a newbie or an experienced marketer.

Ok now for the fun stuff.

We have a new game page.

The old one was trashed and rewritten so check it out.

So instead of running a surf contest today.

We will be setting up the game page with some Cash, Credits, Banners and Text Impressions. The cash today will be 1 cent pages, 5 cent pages, 1 dollar pages and there will be 2 $25 pages.

If theres any issues with the game page please let me know.

We are trying to fix any issues we have with the game page.

Happy surfing everyone
Craig & Michael


Quick Stats on Windy from TNT Traffic

We are ranked number 4 on Our stats as of today are:

Unique [This Month] 18166
Unique [Average] 7116.0000
Total [This Month] 121205
Total [Average] 47924.2500
Total [From Beginning] 191697

You guys Rock! You did it. Don't forget to vote for us everyday. We rise to the top, you benefit from it.


Monday, July 20, 2009

The Winners Are In!! Stay Tuned For New Surf Contest Tomorrow..

Hello Friends!

First off i want to welcome all new members to Windy City.

If anyone needs any help with anything just send me a support ticket.

Here are the contest results for the super windy super scary weekend surf contest with Horror Movie Hits.

I made a little whoopsie during the drawing and somehow skipped over prize #10. So winners 11-13 get 100 extra credits than what was originally announced.

Also i am just getting into atlanta getting ready to board for Arizona to see Michael and go get my son for 2 weeks. So i will talk to you guys soon. Sometime this evening. I will add all prizes sometime this evening. I already added a few prizes but will finish the rest when i get into Arizona.

Here are the winners

1st Prize –
Eternal Sunshine
$10 deposited into your HMH AND WCH cash account

2nd Prize –
1 solo ad sent to over 16,000 members. The winner of this prize will also have their solo sent out to all Horror Movie Hits members, all Windy City members, 9500 Ad Tactics members and 4000 List Joe members.

3rd Prize –
3 month Exorcist Pro membership and a 3 month North Side Pro membership at WCH (upgraded members may choose between 1000 credits, banners, and text ad package, 1 solo ad including everything in 2nd prize, or $5 cash in your Horror Movie Hits and Windy City Hits accounts)

4th Prize –
3 month Freddie Kruger membership at HMH and a 3 month West Side membership at WCH (upgraded members may choose between 500 credits, banners, and text ad package at both exchanges, 1 solo ad including everything in 2nd prize, or $3 cash in your Horror Movie Hits & Windy City Hits accounts)

5th Prize –
3 month Dr. Phibes membership at HMH and a 3 month South Side membership at WCH (upgraded members may choose between 100 credits, banners, and text ad package at both exchanges, or $2 cash in your Horror Movie Hits & Windy City Hits accounts)

6th Prize –
1000 credits $1

7th Prize –
800 Credits $1

8th Prize –
700 Credits $1

9th Place –
600 credits $1

10th Place –
500 credits $1

11th prize –
400 credits $1

12th prize –
300 credits $1

13th prize –
200 credits $1

Well this was a fun weekend and we hope you enjoyed it also.

I will be holding off until tomorrow to start the new surfing contest.

I need to get settled in a little when i get to Arizona.

We are having another script installed today to help with catching cheaters so cheaters go somewhere else or dont cheat at all.

Also in the next day or so we will be having a downline builder put on our site for all members to use to build your downlines.

We will also be giving away some free products today so stay tuned for our next newsletter.

Just a reminder that we have a blog now and you can access our blog from your menu on the left.

Havent added it yet but will be on the menu options today.

We now have a great upgrade special going on right now for $5

With this special you will get 60% on any referral upgrades, credit purchases and product purchases. Also you will get 4000 sign up credits and 1500 monthly credits.

But you better get it now while it lasts.

This special will only be here for a week.

Also we will be adding some very cheap credit purchases and a cheap yearly membership rate.

We will also be rearranging the site around in the next few days to make things more convenient for all our members.

Well have fun everyone and i will talk soon

Happy Promoting
Craig Caron & Michael Picard


Super Windy Super Scary Weekend Contest Drawing in 30 minutes!!

Hi all

Just letting you know that the drawing for the Super Windy, Super Scary Surf Weekend will begin in 30 minutes at noon EST. It will be held in chat and the winners will be announced live. If you cannot be there, an e-mail will follow shortly announcing the winners.

Good luck to all the participants



Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Big Hype About Big Traffic Exchanges

Hello Everyone...

Well today i am going to talk about something that happened to my partner Michael Picard.

If this upsets anyone im sorry but i have to get this off my chest.

Heres what happened, Michael has been a member to I Love Hits for about 7 months.

He was getting charged the last 2 months on 2 different upgrades middle weight and the heavy weight.

So Michael informed him of the problem and all he got was you had to of purchased both.

Well this was not the case.

He looked in his paypal and nothing about a middle weight subscription.

So in conclusion mike asked if he could just cancel both upgrades.

This is where it gets good.

Instead of cancelling out his upgrades.

Jon olson decided to take it on his own to cancel Michaels account.

Now he didnt ask to cancel his account just his upgrade.

This guy was nothing but a jerk about the whole situation.

I took it upon myself to call the toll free number and talk to him.

I left him a message and waited and im still waiting for a response.

Maybe im not important enough to him, I dont know.

So despite all this i have forgotten about it all.

Now i have came accross some newsletters he wrote and all i see this guy doing is talking down on smaller traffic exchange owners.

Well thats not good practice.

I thought these big guys are supposed to help everyone and not talk bad or even try to sell you everything there affiliated with.

So pretty much he trains these marketers not to join these smaller exchanges because they wont get the signups and targeted traffic that they supposably offer.

Well heres my experience.

I get more sign ups on the smaller exchanges than i do on the real big exchanges.

Now im not talking about all exchanges.

Just a select few.

Lets see, so this is what i did.

I purchased 10,000 credits at i love hits which i believe has 100,000 members or so and assigned 5000 credits to 2 different splash pages that have a great conversion rate

I thank scott douglas from traffic exchange profits for these pages.

Ok so i got 1 sign up. Pretty amazing huh..Not

Then i promoted these same splash pages on smaller exchanges. and

Assigned around 1000 credits to 1 splash page on Horror Movie Hits

And 1000 credits to a splash page on

All together got 7 sign ups.

Plus i get referrals in these exchanges like crazy.

So you do the math.

See i have been studying traffic exchanges for a few years now and my results come from the exchanges that have less people.

This is how i see it.

They say it takes a person to click on your splash page after they have seen it around 50 times.

Whats the chances of a site that has 100,000 members seeing you splash page 50 times

very slim.

Look the way i see it is its not good to talk down on the little guy.

They were little at one time too.

I read these newsletters and all they seem to say is how bad it is too join a small exchange or join traffic hoopla or affiliate funnel.

Now dont get me wrong these programs are excellent for building a downline.

But they all say the same thing.

They give advice on how not to join the smaller ones and join the bigger ones.

I believe the reason they do this is because theres tons of money involved

What ever happen to the concept of helping one another.

Just like you wont see The big exchanges helping out these smaller exchanges.

Why, Because there is nothing in it for them.

These bigger exchanges think that they have all the members but thats not the case at all.

I have been running windy city hits for 2 months now and already at 1,300 members.

I didnt have one of these huge promotions like some other exchanges.

I did this all by word of mouth and building a trusting relationship with my members.

All i see out of these big exchanges is give away a free incentive and sell sell sell.

Why cant for once they just give you something for free and not push you to purchase something.

I mean most of these big owners are already millionaires

Why be so greedy.

I give away free stuff all the time but dont ask members to buy anything unless they want too.

See in my opinion members should buy an upgrade or credits because they like your site or because they want too.

Not to be forced on them.

Also wheres the communication with members on these sites.

You have to read a stupid newsletter every week just to find out the latest info.

I say communicate with you members .

Open a chat room or something in that means

Maybe its not good for every exchange because of the high volume of members but take pride and care about your members.

All they do is hold seminars which is good for people to learn from.

But what about some 1 on 1 time.

Anyway dont mean to complain but i had to put this out there

Thanks everyone for reading this and if you ever need some 1 on 1 time just send me a suport ticket at

Craig Caron


IMPORTANT!!! Please Read...

Hello To All Team Members

Well so far the super windy super scary weekend event has been doing great.

Also all winners from yesterdays surf contest will be announced tomorrow morning and prizes will also be done tomorrow

Another thing.

You can now view how many credits you have on your sites.

This is displayed in the my sites section on your menu

If you look at your list of sites .

You will see it listed under credits

That will tell you how many credits you have left on that site.

In other words how many credits have been used.

Also sorry but I completely forgot that Tip Top Traffic has a lower surf limit that Horror Movie Hits and Windy City Hits. You will max out at 1000 sites there. So here is what we are going to do.

If you surf the 3 way, you will receive 1 ticket to the drawing.

If you hit the limit at Tip Top or would just rather surf at just Horror Movie hits and Windy City Hits, you will receive HALF of a ticket.

So to review –


1. Surf 400 pages at HMH, WCH, & TTT = 4 tickets

2. Surf 800 pages at HMH, WCH, & TTT = 8 tickets

3. Surf 400 pages at only HMH & WCH = 2 Tickets

4. Surf 800 pages at only HMH & WCH = 4Tickets

5. Surf 1800 pages at HMH & WCH, and 1000 at TTT = 14 tickets (10x1, 800x.50)

Each site has a table in the left hand column so that tells you how many sites you have surfed for the last few days so you can always refer to that to keep track. I hope this clears up any confusion.

Thanks And Have A Windy Scary Surf
Craig And Michael


Friday, July 17, 2009

Super Scary, Super Windy Surf Weekend

Hello To All Members

Windy City Hits is proud to welcome Horror Movie Hits as our new 3 way surf partner. To celebrate our new partnership we are having a super windy, super scary surf weekend.

Starting at midnight tonight and ending Sunday at midnight, for every 100 pages that you surf at Horror Movie Hits, Windy City Hits, AND Tip Top Traffic, you will be entered into a drawing that will be held on Monday morning. You can always check the server time by looking at the chat box.

Here is the list of prizes (and BOY are there a lot of them)

1st Prize – $10 deposited into your HMH AND WCH cash account

2nd Prize – 1 solo ad sent to over 16,000 members. The winner of this prize will also have their solo sent out to all Horror Movie Hits members, all Windy City members, 9500 Ad Tactics members and 4000 List Joe members.

3rd Prize – 3 month Exorcist Pro membership and a 3 month North Side Pro membership at WCH (upgraded members may choose between 1000 credits, banners, and text ad package, 1 solo ad including everything in 2nd prize, or $5 cash in your Horror Movie Hits and Windy City Hits accounts)

4th Prize – 3 month Freddie Kruger membership at HMH and a 3 month West Side membership at WCH (upgraded members may choose between 500 credits, banners, and text ad package at both exchanges, 1 solo ad including everything in 2nd prize, or $3 cash in your Horror Movie Hits & Windy City Hits accounts)

5th Prize - 3 month Dr. Phibes membership at HMH and a 3 month South Side membership at WCH (upgraded members may choose between 100 credits, banners, and text ad package at both exchanges, or $2 cash in your Horror Movie Hits & Windy City Hits accounts)

6th Prize - 1000 credits $1

7th Prize - 800 Credits $1

8th Prize - 700 Credits $1

9th Place - 600 credits $1

10th Place - 500 credits $1

11th prize - 400 credits $1

12th prize - 300 credits $1

13th prize - 200 credits $1

14th prize - 100 credits $1

15th prize - 50 credits $1

16th prize - 500 credits

17th prize - 400 credits

18th prize - 300 credits

19th prize - 200 credits

20th prize - 100 credits

So the more that you surf, the more of a chance you have of winning something big. Remember its 1 entry in the drawing for surfing 100 sites each at Horror Movie Hits, Windy City Hits, AND Tip Top Traffic.

You MUST submit a support ticket with your surfing totals for all 3 sites before 8am on Monday morning to be eligible for the drawing.

You can sign up at Horror Movie Hits here

You can sign up at TipTop Traffic here

Have A Great Weekend
Craig & Michael


Come Win Some Pocket Change!

Hello Friends!

Well i have been sick for the last few days so i hope you guys didnt miss me too much.

I still been working on and off on the site.

I work, take a break and go lay down

I think the flu is going around out here.

Just a reminder we do have a blog and it is being updated everyday

I promise keep coming back and i will have tons of free cool stuff and information you can use

Anyway here are the winners for the prize pages for july 14th

$100 58831 carriemoney
$50 58170 nikola
$50 59023 slippy56
$20 59007 prissy
$20 58610 reenersmile
$20 58972 amil
$20 59232 Stormofmoney
$20 58178 connie98r

Congratulations to all our winners

All prizes have been paid via paypal to all winners

We have a surfing contest going on but im leaving it on until tomorrow so keep trying to win

So if you may have heard or not we are doing a surfing contest with Horror Movie Hits this weekend with some cash and prizes.

Were also doing a 3 way surf this weekend with tiptop traffic and horror movie hits

So if you havent joined yet you need too

You can not win any of the surfing contest prizes unless you sign up for Horror movie hits and surf there site also.

You can sign up here

This is such a cool site.

I mean just the way it looks makes me want to join.

The Admin is such a cool guy

He might even be cooler than me.

I said might be. Just kidding

Anyway im turning some 10 cent 20 cent and 50 cent prize pages on today

Let you make a little cash before the contest starts tomorrow

Well have fun everyone

Happy Surfing
Craig Caron & Michael Picard


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Want Some $$$$! Come Get Your Surf On

Hello everyone Mike here

Well Craig is still not feeling to well so im taking over today.

Just want to thank all the new members for coming in and surfing.

Welcome and i hope your stay is a pleasant one.

We did it once again.

We have had over 100,000 page views yesterday.

Great job everyone.

So this is how we are going to kick it off today.

10 winners. This is called a mix and match

Surfing contest

1.300 credits
3.100 credits
7.400 credits
9.500 credits
10.200 credits

Also were closing up the software and bookstore so if you want some books or software from our store you better get it now before it closes.

Well guys have a great day and i will see you later.

Best Regards


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Holy Surf Pages! We Broke Some Major Records

Hello Friends!

Hey folks Michael here.

Well Craig is taking a well needed break today.

He is in bed sick.

I keep telling him working on the site 20 hours a day and only getting 4 hours rest a day is going to get him sick.

Well now he's sick.

Lets hope he gets better soon.

Anyway yesterdays prize page results will be posted either tonight or tomorrow morning when craigs feeling a little better.

We have passed our 100,000 page view goal

Matter of fact we wiped our goal out with a 116,192 page views.

Thats fantastic everyone.

You folks did great.

So tomorrow craig will be setting up a new surf contest.

So be looking out for that.

Well folks i have been getting email after email.

Michael how do you get so many followers on twitter and how are you getting so many sales to your facebook.

I really feel sorry for these folks.

They have been trying and trying to make money with twitter.

Heres the problem.

Your using the wrong system or your just not following it right.

Look i have been using a system for almost a year now and it took me step by step how to set up everything on automation.

It has worked great for me.

The videos in this system are so easy its not even funny.

Let me put it this way.

I can post a tweet and drive at least 200-500 eyeballs to any given site i have.

For instance i sent out a little tweet this morning about a new affiliate program im trying out.

Boom 1 hour later 127 sign ups and 127 sales for $4

That was an easy $508 dollars i made this morning just by writing a 1 line ad.

Seems to good to be true.

I think you guys are just missing the whole point of twitter.

I mean where else can you choose the type of traffic you want.

Well if you folks are interested in making real money and quit wasting your time on all these other programs that give you all these promises.

Then this is the program you want.

Check out the link below.

You wont be disappointed trust me

Click Here For A Real Easy Way To Make Sales And Traffic

Well folks im heading out.

Lets hope craig is back on his feet soon.

Have a great afternoon

Best Regards
Michael Picard
