Thursday, August 13, 2009

Attention!! All Members..Please Read Important information...

Hello All

First off i want to give a big warm windy welcome to all the new members that have recently joined us here at Windy City.

Take some time and send me a support ticket and introduce yourself.

Come get to know me and let me get to know you.

I am here to help you in any way i can.

So anyway i am keeping the power surf on 1 more day for those of you that havent had a chance to get to Windy City yesterday.

Heres the important info:

The traffic exchange blog is going to continue to give you info but instead of marketing info it will be info on learning about traffic exchanges and how you can benefit from them.

I am going to be having a new blog sometime today

The site will be

This will be a training blog for people that want to learn my techniques and what i do to earn money.

There will be a place on the site were you can subscribe and receive all my updates and training videos and audios.

This will be easier for you, that way all the updates will go to your email..

This way you dont have to log into the blog everyday.

Also if you would like to follow what im doing and want a private classroom to learn from:

You can just sign up at

When you sign up just put me down as the referrer and then add me as your friend.

This site is a classroom on how to do anything and everything about marketing.. all free.

Well everyone have a great day and please dont forget to vote at Traffic Toplist.

Dedicated To Your Success
Craig Caron & Team



John Adams said...

Great post Craig. I will be looking forward to this and can't wait.