Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Mayhem Surf Contest!

Hello All!

Just like to welcome all the new members who have joined windy city in the last 24 hours. 

If there is anything i can do for you please let me know by sending us a support ticket and my support staff or myself will get back to you as soon as possible. 

If anyone missed Diane Hochmans conference call you can check out the replay here. 

Some very powerful stuff for those of you that are trying to grow your business.

Also please go visit and check out the new audio message from JoAnn Martin where she talks about changing the human thought process to make your business survive 

We are holding a Weekly surf contest. 

This will start today and end on August 31st 2009 

Here are the prizes.This is a top ten surfing contest 

1st 1 Month North Side Upgrade (Upgrade Members Can Choose $3 
2nd $10 
3rd 5000 Credits 
4th 1 Month South Side Upgrade (Upgrade Members Can Choose $1 
5th 10,000 Text Impressions 
6th $5 
7th 5000 Banner Impressions 
8th 1 Solo Ad 
9th 2000 Credits 
10th $1 

Good Luck 

Have a great day 

Dedicated To Your Success 
Craig Caron 
If you need me drop me a line.:) (641) 715-3900 ext 53850
